NOTE: Applications are accepted at all times for current and future available spots. We are always looking for positive additions to our community!

Please read the following to learn about our membership process:

HAUS practices a modified open membership policy that allows potential residents the opportunity to get to know the house and cooperative living to make an informed decision to join a coop.

How do I become a member?

We ask that all potential members fill out an application and come to two pre-announced dinners (24 hour advance notice) at the house they are applying to. Though Sunday dinners are the best collection of members at any one time, both houses offer dinners throughout the week. All dinner start at 7pm, and can be scheduled when you apply via the website.

Do I need to fill out an application ?

Yes. Our application includes the same basic information you would submit to rent an apartment in Texas, as well as some additional questions to get you thinking about living in a coop. It’s the first step in becoming an active member of HAUS Project. It also gives current members a peek of who you are and what experiences you can share. Click on Apply to start the process!

Do I have to sign a lease?

Yes. We currently offer 3-month leases.

How do the houses work?

We currently have two operational Cooperatives, one with 10 rooms (Rosalie), one with 13 (uRth),  all rooms of which can serve as either single- or double-occupancy.  One house is located in Midtown, the other in nearby Museum Park. Both provide 3-5 communal vegetarian dinners per week and a vegetarian-stocked kitchen at all times (and include vegan options); however, members may keep and prepare meat if they choose.

What are the responsibilities of members?

Each member is responsible to complete their labor/chore tasks throughout the week, attend biweekly meetings, as well as paying their rent.

How does labor work?

Our members sign up for labor/chore shifts like cooking, cleaning, shopping, and gardening. These tasks are a mandatory part of membership and allow us to keep our community running. Each house has a labor coordinator responsible for helping members sign up for shifts and keeping them accountable.

How do meetings work?

We have mandatory biweekly meetings to discuss issues within the house and make decisions democratically. We follow Robert’s Rules of Order and keep a Stack to regulate discussion, and a facilitator runs the meeting. Any member is welcome to submit a topic they’d like to discuss or vote on during a meeting.

Are there leadership opportunities in the community?

Absolutely! Each house is run solely by it’s members, and this includes elected officer positions, such as Garden Coordinator, Treasurer, Membership Coordinator, Maintenance Officer. These roles give members the opportunity to be more involved in the community and help HAUS run. Furthermore, each house has select members elected to be members of the HAUS board, which makes decisions regarding the organization as a whole.

I’m new to Houston, is HAUS a good fit?

Absolutely! HAUS is a great option for people moving to Houston because it’s a built-in community to help you get accustomed to the city. We even have a community-contributed recommendation list with great food and activity ideas open to the public! Whether you’re a tenant or an Associate Member, you’ll be a welcome part of the community.

Do you offer non-resident membership?

Apart from residency, we have ongoing Associate Membership opportunities for those looking to become involved but have their own living situations or would like to be on a preferred waiting list while awaiting vacancies.

How can I become an Associate Member?

As an associate member, you will have access to meals, social events, and community activities! Since you will already be plugged into HAUS, when rooms open in the future at Rosalie or uRth, you will have priority notification of room openings. Fill out an Application and join us for a dinner to get started.

Is there a mimimum resident age?

Yes. The houses are not currently appropriate for minors under 21 unless they are dependents of members over the age of 21. HAUS is working on opening a third residence, which will either be a student-centric coop, a large house, or a family-friendly house, depending on finding the right property and the right founding leaders.  Another priority for our houses is to ensure basic ADA compliance, such that we can reasonably attempt to accommodate persons with disabilities within the coop system.

Do you allow pets?

Policies regarding pets and ownership are currently written separately by each house and are subject to change. Pets including cats and dogs can be accepted on a case-by-case basis.

Are you members of NASCO?

HAUS Project is an active participant in NASCO; as such, all applying member become members of NASCO if they are not already. We also borrow much from the Rochdale principles and other successful coops from across the country.